This plugin will help you to see the contact information wp-admin. At the same time it will send an email to the mail set in … WordPress plugin to save contact information to databaseRead more
Create a template for page in wordpress
Steps to create new template for WordPress page. This will help you to customize your template for single page. 1) Create new php file, For … Create a template for page in wordpressRead more
Change WordPress Theme Name
Steps to update the wordpress theme name 1) Go to wp-content/themes/{your_active_name} 2) Open style.css 3) Change the “Theme Name:” in comments.
Facebook login button not displaying in IE
We have to use facebook html tags at the document starting, we can see the button if we use the facebook html tag (those tags … Facebook login button not displaying in IERead more
Create simple wordpress widget
Take new php file then copy the below code to file and put the file in plugins folder and activate the plugin Now you can … Create simple wordpress widgetRead more
wordpress admin menu page
/* Plugin Name: Simple Admin Menu */ add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘mt_add_pages’); function mt_add_pages() { add_menu_page(‘Main Page’,’Main Page’, ‘manage_options’, ‘main-page-handle’, ‘main_page’ ); add_submenu_page(‘main-page-handle’,’Sub Page1′, ‘Sub Page1’, ‘manage_options’, … wordpress admin menu pageRead more