Take new php file then copy the below code to file and put the file in plugins folder and activate the plugin Now you can … Create simple wordpress widgetRead more
Month: October 2010
wordpress admin menu page
/* Plugin Name: Simple Admin Menu */ add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘mt_add_pages’); function mt_add_pages() { add_menu_page(‘Main Page’,’Main Page’, ‘manage_options’, ‘main-page-handle’, ‘main_page’ ); add_submenu_page(‘main-page-handle’,’Sub Page1′, ‘Sub Page1’, ‘manage_options’, … wordpress admin menu pageRead more
Enable Htaccess in localhost
Open AppSer installed folder in that find conf folder and find httpd.conf file. In that file find below line(LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so) For Example In Windows: … Enable Htaccess in localhostRead more
Enable curl in php localhost Apache
Open your php.ini file and found the line ‘extension=php_curl.dll’ and remove the semicolon (; Here semicolon is comment). After that save the file and restart … Enable curl in php localhost ApacheRead more
increase execution time in php
We can increase it in different ways based on server Method 1: It will work in most servers. Add this function in top of page.ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, … increase execution time in phpRead more
freelance job sites
www.odesk.comwww.guru.comwww.freelancer.comwww.ifreelance.comwww.getfreelancer.comwww.freelancers.net many more are there…….
Create csv file in php
$data = “Id, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, ZipCode”.”n”; $data .= “1,’Test1′,’Test2′,’Test@gmail.com’,’546435′,’10001′”.”n”; $myFile = “userinfo.csv”; $fh = fopen($myFile, ‘a’) or die(“can’t open file”); fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh);
difference between curl and file_get_contents
file_get_contents – It is a function to get the contents of a file(simply view source items i.e out put html file contents). curl – It … difference between curl and file_get_contentsRead more